over time _____ has gained power at the expense of ____.

bureaucracy over people?

the government

the citizens

among many other possible answers such as:
money, health
military, poor
capital , labor
federal government , states

Well, I guess our first choices are consistent :)

Are these your choices?

A.the Senate, the House
B.the House, the Senate
C.Congress, the president
D.the president, Congress

I like Damon's and my answers much better than yours.

Well, presidents seem to start wars without much voting in Congress these days :)

I agree with Damon ... D seems to be the answer your text/test is looking for.

To answer this question, we need to identify which entity has gained power over time and at whose expense. Unfortunately, the question does not provide specific entities or context.

However, I can provide you with a general approach to answering this question:

1. Identify the subjects/entities involved: Determine which entities or individuals are being referred to in the question. For example, the subjects might be countries, organizations, political parties, or even abstract concepts.

2. Examine the context: Look for any given context, such as historical events, political changes, social movements, technological advancements, or economic trends that may be relevant to understanding the power dynamics.

3. Conduct research: Use reliable sources such as books, articles, research papers, or reputable news outlets to gather information about the entities in question. Analyze historical data, statistics, or expert opinions to gain insight into the power dynamics and how they have evolved over time.

4. Compare power distribution: Assess how the power balance has shifted over time. Look for indicators such as political influence, economic control, social impact, or any other relevant measures of power.

By following these steps and applying critical thinking, you can gather the necessary information to answer the question based on the specific entities and context involved.