3 moles of pesticide of molecular mass 200 g/mole is applied to a closed system consisting of 20 m3 of water, 10 m3 of air, 1 m3 of sediment, and 0.001 m3 of fish. Determine the concentration and amount in both grams and mole units in air, water, sediment and fish in equilibrium condition if the partitioning coefficients are: air/water = 0.1, sediment/water = 50, and fish/water = 200,

To determine the concentration and amount of pesticide in each component of the system (air, water, sediment, and fish), we can use the given partitioning coefficients along with the initial amount of pesticide applied.

First, let's calculate the initial amount of pesticide applied using the number of moles and the molecular mass:

Initial amount of pesticide = Number of moles × Molecular mass
= 3 moles × 200 g/mole
= 600 grams

Now, let's calculate the concentration of pesticide in each component:

1. Air:
Concentration of pesticide in air = partitioning coefficient (air/water) × pesticide concentration in water

Substituting the given values:
Concentration of pesticide in air = 0.1 × pesticide concentration in water

2. Water:
Concentration of pesticide in water = amount of pesticide in water / volume of water

Amount of pesticide in water = Initial amount of pesticide (grams) - amount of pesticide transferred to other components

The amount of pesticide transferred to other components can be calculated as follows:

Amount of pesticide transferred to air = Concentration of pesticide in air × volume of air

Amount of pesticide transferred to sediment = partitioning coefficient (sediment/water) × pesticide concentration in water × volume of sediment

Amount of pesticide transferred to fish = partitioning coefficient (fish/water) × pesticide concentration in water × volume of fish

Substituting the given values:
Amount of pesticide transferred to air = 0.1 × pesticide concentration in water × 10 m^3 (volume of air)
Amount of pesticide transferred to sediment = 50 × pesticide concentration in water × 1 m^3 (volume of sediment)
Amount of pesticide transferred to fish = 200 × pesticide concentration in water × 0.001 m^3 (volume of fish)

Now, we can calculate the concentration of pesticide in water:

Concentration of pesticide in water = (Initial amount of pesticide - (Amount of pesticide transferred to air + Amount of pesticide transferred to sediment + Amount of pesticide transferred to fish)) / volume of water

3. Sediment:
Concentration of pesticide in sediment = partitioning coefficient (sediment/water) × pesticide concentration in water

4. Fish:
Concentration of pesticide in fish = partitioning coefficient (fish/water) × pesticide concentration in water

To find the amount of pesticide in each component, we can multiply the concentration by the respective volume.

By following these calculations, you can determine the concentration and amount (in both grams and mole units) of the pesticide in the air, water, sediment, and fish in the equilibrium condition, using the given partitioning coefficients.