36/1.5 = ? how to divide this

if you are using long division without a calculator, set the two numbers up like this


the 36 is inside the division sign, and the 1.5 is outside on the left.
Move the decimal point on the left over acorrdingly until it is a whole number. Then move the decimal point of the inside number in the same manner.

So it would look like


follow normal division practices

thank you just wanted to clear it .thanks to clear my doubth

To divide 36 by 1.5, you can follow these steps:

1. Write down the dividend (in this case, 36) and the divisor (1.5) as a division expression: 36 / 1.5.
2. Since the divisor is a decimal number, we need to convert it to a whole number. Move the decimal point in 1.5 one place to the right, making it 15.
3. Now, divide 36 by 15. The result is the quotient, which represents how many times the divisor fits into the dividend evenly.

To continue the division process:
- Start by dividing 3 by 1, which equals 3.
- Write down the result (3) above the line.
- Multiply this result (3) by the divisor (15), which gives you 45.
- Write down 45 below the line and subtract it from 36: 36 - 45 = -9.

At this point, you have a negative remainder (-9). Since the remainder is negative, you need to adjust the quotient. You can do this by subtracting 1 from the previous quotient, making it 2.

Thus, the final result is:
36 / 1.5 = 24.