The political strategy in which the Republicans and Populists joined together was known as___________ movement.

The political strategy in which the Republicans and Populists joined together was known as the Fusion movement.

To get the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:
1. Start by understanding the keywords in the question. In this case, the keywords that stand out are "Republicans," "Populists," and "political strategy."
2. Use a search engine like Google and type in the keywords from the question: "Republicans Populists political strategy."
3. Review the search results to find relevant information. Look for articles, research papers, or reputable sources that discuss the political collaboration between Republicans and Populists.
4. In this case, you will likely come across information about the Fusion movement, which was a political alliance between these two parties in the late 19th century.
5. Read the relevant information and confirm that the Fusion movement is indeed the answer to the question.