The position of an object moving in a straight line is given by the function , where s(t) represents distance traveled and t represents the time the object has been in motion. How long (to the nearest tenth) will it take the object to move 17 meters?

better provide a function.

To find out how long it will take the object to move 17 meters, we need to solve the equation:

s(t) = 17

where s(t) represents the distance traveled and t represents the time the object has been in motion.

Since the exact equation is missing in the question, it is not possible to provide an exact solution. However, I can explain the general process of solving this type of problem.

1. Start with the given equation:

s(t) = 17

2. Replace s(t) with the appropriate function or equation that represents distance traveled. In this case, the question does not provide the function, so you would need to look for additional information or further context to determine it.

3. Once you have the equation representing distance traveled, solve it for t by isolating the variable. You may need to use algebraic manipulations such as factoring, expanding, or applying inverse operations to both sides of the equation.

4. Once you have the equation in terms of t, solve for t by using appropriate mathematical techniques such as factoring, using the quadratic formula, or applying other algebraic methods.

5. Round the result to the nearest tenth, as specified in the question.

Remember, without the actual equation representing distance travelled, it is not possible to provide the exact time to the nearest tenth.