Sara runs several times a week and always keeps track of how much time she runs each time she goes out. One day she forgets to take her stopwatch with her and wonders if she can still have some idea of her running time. As she passes a particular pond, she remembers that it is 5.6 km from her house. She knows from her previous training that she has a consistent pace of 3.4 m/s. How long has Sara been running when she reaches the pond?

since time = distance/speed, she has been running

5.6km*1000m/km / 3.4m/s = 1647 seconds
or 27:27

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To find out how long Sara has been running when she reaches the pond, we can use the distance formula:

Distance = Speed x Time

Given that the distance from Sara's house to the pond is 5.6 km (5600 m) and her consistent running pace is 3.4 m/s, we can rearrange the formula to solve for time:

Time = Distance / Speed

Plugging in the values, we get:

Time = 5600 m / 3.4 m/s

Calculating this value, we find:

Time ≈ 1647 seconds

So, Sara has been running for approximately 1647 seconds when she reaches the pond.