Earth is approximately a sphere of radius 6.37 × 106 m. What are (a) its circumference, (b) its surface area, and (c) its volume? please help

To find the circumference of a sphere, you can use the formula: circumference = 2πr, where r is the radius of the sphere.

(a) Circumference:
Given that the radius of Earth is 6.37 × 10^6 m, we can substitute this value into the formula:
circumference = 2π × 6.37 × 10^6

To calculate the value, multiply 2π by 6.37 × 10^6, which will give you the approximate circumference of Earth.

To find the surface area of a sphere, you can use the formula: surface area = 4πr^2.

(b) Surface Area:
Substitute the radius value to the formula:
surface area = 4π × (6.37 × 10^6)^2

Calculate 6.37 × 10^6 squared (multiply it by itself) and then multiply it with 4π to get the surface area.

To find the volume of a sphere, you can use the formula: volume = (4/3)πr^3.

(c) Volume:
Substitute the radius value to the formula:
volume = (4/3)π × (6.37 × 10^6)^3

Calculate 6.37 × 10^6 cubed (multiply it by itself three times) and then multiply it with (4/3)π to get the volume.

Perform these calculations to find the values of the circumference, surface area, and volume of Earth.