What percentage of all infertile American women are infertile because of tubal damage caused by untreated STD?


To determine the percentage of infertile American women who are infertile due to tubal damage caused by untreated sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), we need some information:

1. The total number of infertile American women.
2. The number of infertile American women with tubal damage.
3. The number of women in the second group who have tubal damage caused by untreated STDs.

Unfortunately, as an AI, I don't have real-time access to specific statistics on this topic. However, I can provide you with an estimation of the possible factors involved.

To gather the required statistics, you can consult reliable sources such as research papers, government health agencies, or organizations focusing on reproductive health. These sources often conduct studies or surveys that provide relevant data on infertility causes in specific populations.

Once you have access to the required data, you can calculate the percentage by using the following formula:

Percentage = (Number of women with tubal damage caused by untreated STDs / Number of infertile American women) * 100

Remember, the accuracy of the percentage will depend on the quality and representativeness of the data used.