Mr. white, a carpenter, has worked 40 1/2 hours jn repairing a house. At $23.60 an hour, how much has he earned?


23.6 * 40.5 = ?

So Mr. White earns $95.58?

Nope. Your answer has him earning just over $2.00 an hour.

To calculate how much Mr. White has earned, we need to multiply the number of hours worked by his hourly rate. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Convert the mixed number into an improper fraction:
40 1/2 = (40 * 2 + 1) / 2 = 81/2

2. Multiply the number of hours worked by the hourly rate:
Earnings = (81/2) * $23.60

To simplify multiplying a fraction by a decimal, you can multiply the numerator with the decimal and then divide the result by the denominator.

3. Calculate the earnings:
Earnings = (81/2) * $23.60 = (81 * $23.60) / 2

Multiply the numerator of the fraction by the decimal:
Earnings = ($1,912.40) / 2

Divide the result by the denominator:
Earnings = $956.20

Therefore, Mr. White has earned $956.20 for working 40 1/2 hours in repairing the house.