A 4700 kg vehicle on a level surface experiences a force applied due to the engine of 3700 N forward. If the force of friction acting on the vehicle is 189 N backward:

Determine the values of the other forces acting on the vehicle.
Draw a free body diagram and determine the net force.
Determine the acceleration of the truck.
What are two ways that the acceleration could be increased?
What action reaction force pairs are involved in this scenario?

i need help with this

To determine the values of the other forces acting on the vehicle, we need to draw a free body diagram and analyze the forces involved. Here's how you can do it:

1. Draw a diagram: Draw a rough diagram of the vehicle on a level surface. Label the vehicle's weight (mg) downward, the applied force (F_applied) forward, and the force of friction (F_friction) backward.

2. Analyze the forces: Find the value of the weight force by multiplying the mass (m) of the vehicle by the acceleration due to gravity (g ≈ 9.8 m/s^2). In this case, the weight force would be approximately 4700 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 46,060 N.

3. Determine the net force: The net force acting on the vehicle is the vector sum of all the forces. In this case, the net force can be calculated by subtracting the force of friction from the applied force. Net force = F_applied - F_friction = 3700 N - 189 N = 3511 N forward.

4. Calculate acceleration: Newton's second law states that the net force acting on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration (Net force = ma). Rearranging the formula, we get acceleration = net force / mass. So, the acceleration of the truck would be approximately 3511 N / 4700 kg = 0.747 m/s^2.

5. Two ways to increase acceleration: To increase the acceleration of the truck, you can either increase the applied force or decrease the force of friction. Increasing the applied force can be done by increasing the engine power, whereas decreasing the force of friction can be achieved by improving the traction of the tires or reducing any obstacles that increase friction.

6. Action-reaction force pairs: In this scenario, the action-reaction force pairs involve the applied force and the friction force. According to Newton's third law, the applied force forward causes an equal and opposite friction force backward. So, the applied force and the friction force form an action-reaction force pair.

Remember to double-check all calculations and unit conversions.