Storage: .data 2 0 ; storage for n22

.data 2 0 ; temp storage 23
.data 2 2 ; constant 2 24
.data 2 2 ; const 2 25
0 10 ;const 10 26

please can u show me the correct way to declare a constant using wombat.(CPU sim).

In Wombat CPU simulation, constants are declared using the ".data" directive followed by the constant value. The correct way to declare a constant in Wombat is as follows:

.data 2 0 ; constant 0

This declares a constant with a size of 2 (2 words) and assigns it the value 0. You can replace 0 with any value you want to use as a constant.

Here's an example of declaring multiple constants in Wombat:

.data 2 0 ; constant 0
.data 2 23 ; constant 23
.data 2 2 ; constant 2
.data 2 10 ; constant 10

In this example, four constants are declared with sizes of 2 words each and assigned the values 0, 23, 2, and 10 respectively.