Please help balance this:

CH3COO + CrO4 + H = Cr(OH)3 + CO2 + H2O

To balance the chemical equation:

CH3COO + CrO4 + H → Cr(OH)3 + CO2 + H2O

1. Start by counting the number of atoms on each side of the equation.

On the left side:
- Carbon (C): 2
- Hydrogen (H): 4
- Oxygen (O): 5

On the right side:
- Chromium (Cr): 1
- Oxygen (O): 10
- Hydrogen (H): 7
- Carbon (C): 1

2. Balance the atoms that appear in the fewest number. In this case, it's Chromium (Cr) on the right side. Balance it by putting a coefficient of 8 in front of Cr(OH)3:

CH3COO + CrO4 + H → 8Cr(OH)3 + CO2 + H2O

3. Now check the number of Hydrogen (H) atoms.

On the left side: 4
On the right side: 56 (8 multiplied by 7)

To balance the Hydrogen, put a coefficient of 14 in front of H on the left side:

CH3COO + 14H + CrO4 → 8Cr(OH)3 + CO2 + H2O

4. Next, balance the Oxygen (O) atoms:

On the left side: 5
On the right side: 88 (8 multiplied by 10, plus 2)

To balance the Oxygen, put a coefficient of 23/2 (or 11.5) in front of CrO4 on the left side:

CH3COO + 14H + (11.5)CrO4 → 8Cr(OH)3 + CO2 + H2O

Note: In this case, you can use fractional coefficients because the reaction is taking place in a solution and not in strict stoichiometric ratios.

5. Finally, balance the Carbon (C) atoms:

On the left side: 1
On the right side: 8

To balance the Carbon, put a coefficient of 8 in front of CH3COO on the left side:

8CH3COO + 14H + (11.5)CrO4 → 8Cr(OH)3 + CO2 + H2O

Now, the equation is balanced with the same number of atoms on both sides.