How many gallons of gasoline were sold in 2013

To find out how many gallons of gasoline were sold in 2013, you'll need to gather statistical data on gasoline sales for that year.

Here's how you can find this information:

1. Start by searching for reliable sources that provide statistics on gasoline sales, such as government agencies or industry organizations. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is a good place to start. They regularly collect data on energy-related topics, including gasoline sales.

2. Visit the website of the selected source and look for data specifically related to gasoline sales in 2013. The data may be categorized by regions, states, or countries. Make sure to focus on data for the geographical area you are interested in.

3. Analyze the data to determine the total gallons of gasoline sold in 2013. It may be presented as a cumulative figure, monthly breakdowns, or both. Calculate the total by summing up all the relevant data points.

4. Keep in mind that the data you find may be in different units, such as barrels or gallons. If necessary, convert the units to gallons to ensure consistency in your calculation.

5. Note that the accuracy of the information will depend on the reliability of the source you are using. Look for official or well-regarded sources to ensure the data's credibility.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the answer to your question about how many gallons of gasoline were sold in 2013.