Forest ranger measure depth of 82 inches of snow on a mountain peak at 8am. Snow is expected to fall at a steady rate of 3/4 inch per hour. write an equation that approximates the depth "y" of snow on the mountain peak "x" hours after 8am.

y = 82 + 3/4 x

To write an equation that approximates the depth of snow on the mountain peak "x" hours after 8am, we'll use the initial depth of 82 inches and the rate of snowfall of 3/4 inch per hour.

The equation can be written as:
y = 82 + (3/4)x

Here, "y" represents the depth of snow in inches, and "x" represents the number of hours after 8am.

The initial depth of 82 inches is added to the product of the rate of snowfall (3/4 inch per hour) and the number of hours after 8am (x). This way, we can approximate the depth of snow on the mountain peak at any given time.