Of 12 books, 3 are fiction

I think 3/12 or 1/4

Two of 6CD's are scratched
2/6 or 1/3

Nine out of 10 teens like to shop
I think 9/10

I tried to tell you, you must give the whole question.

do you want probability of scratched CD or unscratched CD?
for example
1/4 ARE Fiction
3/4 are NON-Fiction
You did not say which you wanted.

All the problem said was

Two of 6 CD's are scratched.

It wants me to take the probability and write it as a fraction

For the first question, you correctly identified the fraction. To get the answer, you divided the number of fiction books (3) by the total number of books (12). This gives you a fraction of 3/12. However, you can simplify this fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3. This simplifies to 1/4. Therefore, your answer that 1/4 of the books are fiction is correct.

For the second question, you also correctly identified the fraction. You divided the number of scratched CDs (2) by the total number of CDs (6), giving you a fraction of 2/6. Similarly, you can simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2. This simplifies to 1/3. Therefore, your answer that 1/3 of the CDs are scratched is correct.

Now, for the third question, you correctly identified the fraction. You divided the number of teens who like to shop (9) by the total number of teens (10). This gives you a fraction of 9/10. Since this fraction cannot be simplified any further, your answer that 9/10 of the teens like to shop is correct.

Overall, your understanding of fractions and how to calculate them is accurate. Keep up the good work!