1. How many different 4p orbitals are there?

2. How many radial nodes are there?
3. How many angular nodes are there? (excluding the radial nodes)

I thought it was 2,1, 2??

To answer these questions, we need to understand the concepts of orbitals, radial nodes, and angular nodes.

1. The number of different 4p orbitals:

Orbitals are regions in an atom where electrons are likely to be found. They are labeled by a combination of numbers and letters. The first number represents the principal quantum number (n), which gives the overall energy level of the orbital. The following letter represents the azimuthal quantum number (l), which describes the shape of the orbital.

For the p orbitals, l has a value of 1. Therefore, the possible values for the azimuthal quantum number are -1, 0, and 1. This means that there are three different p orbitals: 4p(-1), 4p(0), and 4p(1). Each of these p orbitals has a different orientation relative to the x, y, and z axes.

So, the answer to the first question is that there are three different 4p orbitals.

2. The number of radial nodes:

Radial nodes are regions where the probability of finding an electron is zero due to wave interference. These nodes occur along the radial direction (distance from the nucleus) in an orbital. The number of radial nodes is determined by the principal quantum number (n) minus 1.

In the case of the 4p orbital, the principal quantum number is 4. So, the number of radial nodes is 4 - 1 = 3.

Therefore, the answer to the second question is that there are three radial nodes in the 4p orbital.

3. The number of angular nodes (excluding the radial nodes):

Angular nodes are regions where the probability of finding an electron is zero along a specific axis in an orbital. For p orbitals, excluding the radial nodes, there is always one angular node along the axis perpendicular to the plane of the orbital.

In the case of the 4p orbital, there is one angular node perpendicular to the xy-plane.

Therefore, the answer to the third question is that there is one angular node (excluding the radial nodes) in the 4p orbital.

Final answers:
1. There are three different 4p orbitals.
2. There are three radial nodes in the 4p orbital.
3. There is one angular node (excluding the radial nodes) in the 4p orbital.