which of the following is not a benefit provided by a social group

a) instinct to run from predators
b) access to mate
c) protecting young
d) learning to recognize predators

Since when do social groups provide instincts?

PsyDAG gave you a big clue. Think about it.

I don't know can you just help me

it is instinct

To determine which of the options is not a benefit provided by a social group, let's go through each option and analyze them:

a) Instinct to run from predators: Social groups often provide protection against predators. Animals within a social group can rely on their members to alert them about potential dangers and collectively defend themselves. Therefore, this option seems to be a benefit provided by a social group.

b) Access to mate: Social groups can enhance an individual's chances of finding a mate. Within a social group, animals have an increased pool of potential mates, making it easier to find a suitable partner. Hence, this option appears to be a benefit provided by a social group.

c) Protecting young: Social groups often offer protection and care for the young. Members of the group can help in raising and protecting the offspring, ensuring their survival and increasing their chances of successful reproduction. Therefore, this option seems to be a benefit provided by a social group.

d) Learning to recognize predators: This option is the odd one out. While it is important for animals to learn to recognize predators, it is not a direct benefit provided by a social group. Learning to recognize predators is an individual skill that an animal acquires through personal experience or innate instincts.

Therefore, the answer to the question is d) learning to recognize predators, as it is not directly related to the benefits provided by a social group.

So the answer is instinct?