Which words clue the reader about the compare-and-contrast organization in the opening paragraph of "The Next Big Thing"?

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To identify words that clue the reader about the compare-and-contrast organization in the opening paragraph of "The Next Big Thing," we can analyze the phrasing and the language used. In a compare-and-contrast organization, the writer typically discusses the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. Here's the opening paragraph of "The Next Big Thing" as an example:

"Compared to traditional brick-and-mortar stores, online shopping has become the next big thing. While both options have their advantages and disadvantages, it is clear that the convenience and accessibility of online shopping have created a significant shift in consumer behavior."

In this paragraph, there are several words and phrases that signal a compare-and-contrast structure:

- "Compared to": This phrase establishes a comparison between two things, indicating that there will be a discussion about the similarities and differences.
- "While" and "both": These words indicate that there will be contrasting elements discussed.
- "Advantages and disadvantages": This phrase suggests that the writer will highlight the pros and cons of each option, further indicating a compare-and-contrast approach.

By paying attention to these words and phrases, the reader can recognize the clues that signal a compare-and-contrast organization in the opening paragraph.

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