y = 3t

I need to write a real world situation that can be modeled by that equation, but i have no idea, i need help...

A lazy row in my dory is at 3 nautical miles/hour.

so in t hours I go
3 t nautical miles
so my distance y is modeled by the equation
y = 3 t

You buy 3 identical toys for the same price each(t). What is your total price (y)?


my pet mouse has three babies every year
each of those has three every year
each of those has three every year
how many are born in year t ?

year 0 --> 1

year 1 --->3
year 2 ---> 9
year 3 ---> 27

Its 2020 if your seeing this your very special:)

i mean y=3^t

Thank you so much!! I appreciate the help :)

You are welcome :)

Sure, I can help you come up with a real-world situation that can be modeled by the equation y = 3t. This equation represents a linear relationship between two variables, y and t, where y is the dependent variable and t is the independent variable.

In this equation, the coefficient 3 in front of t indicates that for every unit increase in t, y increases by 3 units. This suggests a constant rate of change, or slope, of 3.

Let's consider a situation where y represents the distance traveled by a car and t represents the time in hours. We can model this situation with the equation y = 3t.

Imagine a car moving at a constant speed of 3 units of distance per hour. In this case, the distance traveled (y) will be directly proportional to the time (t) that has elapsed. So, for every hour that passes (1 unit increase in t), the car will have traveled 3 units of distance.

For example, after 1 hour (t = 1), the car would have traveled 3 units of distance (y = 3). After 2 hours (t = 2), the car would have traveled 6 units of distance (y = 6), and so on.

Therefore, a real-world situation that can be modeled by the equation y = 3t is the distance traveled by a car moving at a constant speed of 3 units of distance per hour.