brittany has a gift box in the shape of a cube. each side of the box measures 15 centimeters. what is the volume of the gift box?

is the answer 255, 1,250, 3,375, or 3,475 and how did you arrive at that answer

Just answer it it’s one of my math questions and I don’t understand 😭😭😭

15*15*15 = ?

To find the volume of a cube, you need to multiply the length of one side by itself two times. In this case, the length of each side is given as 15 centimeters.

So, to calculate the volume of the gift box, you need to perform the following calculation:

Volume = side length * side length * side length

Volume = 15 cm * 15 cm * 15 cm

Volume = 225 cm^3

Therefore, the volume of the gift box is 225 cubic centimeters.

The answer choices provided are 255, 1,250, 3,375, and 3,475. None of these options matches the correct answer of 225 cm^3.

I don't know that's why I'm asking you





Why please explain