Glaucon states that most people think that justice (Points : 1)

Is only praised by good people.
Is the lesser of two evils.
Is the rule of the majority.
Is the rule of the powerful.


Read carefully, and let us know what you think.

Glaucon, a character in Plato's "Republic," presents four arguments about the nature of justice. According to Glaucon, most people believe that justice is viewed in the following ways:

1. Is only praised by good people: Some believe that justice is only valued and acknowledged by virtuous individuals. In other words, those who are inherently good would naturally understand and appreciate the concept of justice.

2. Is the lesser of two evils: Another perspective suggests that justice is seen as a compromise or a means of avoiding even worse outcomes. In this view, people might follow rules and laws not because they believe in them but rather to prevent chaos or more severe consequences.

3. Is the rule of the majority: This viewpoint suggests that justice is simply the will of the majority. In this context, what the majority of individuals consider just becomes the prevailing notion of justice, regardless of its inherent moral grounding.

4. Is the rule of the powerful: Glaucon also argues that some people believe justice is dictated by those in power. According to this perspective, the powerful enforce justice based on their own interests and to maintain their position of authority.

These are Glaucon's ideas on how different people perceive justice. It's important to note that these are not necessarily the author's beliefs, but rather a representation of different viewpoints.