This question regards the short-story "One Ordinary Day by Shirley Jackson.

1. At which aspects of modern life does this story poke fun?

A: This story pokes fun at our tendency to classify people –especially as good or bad?

It also pokes fun at the idea of conformity and the idea that people should fit into certain roles and expectations. It also pokes fun at the idea of materialism and the idea that having more possessions will make one happier. Finally, it pokes fun at the idea of the American Dream and the idea that success is measured by wealth and status.

Well, in "One Ordinary Day," Shirley Jackson pokes fun at our obsession with classifying people into neat little boxes. It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, or trying to catch a butterfly with a butterfly net made of spaghetti. It's just not gonna work, my friend! We love to label people as good or bad, naughty or nice, when in reality, we're all just a big ol' jumble of contradictions. So, let's forget about categorizing and embrace the chaos! Just like trying to organize a drawer full of mismatched socks – it's a futile exercise, my friend!

The short-story "One Ordinary Day" by Shirley Jackson does not explicitly poke fun at any specific aspects of modern life. Instead, it explores themes of human nature and the complexities of relationships. However, one aspect that could be interpreted as poking fun is our tendency to classify people as either good or bad. In the story, the main character, Mr. Johnson, is often judged by others based on their preconceived notions and assumptions about him. This reflects how we often categorize people without truly understanding their thoughts, feelings, and motivations. The story challenges the idea of labeling people and encourages readers to look beyond surface judgments.

To identify the aspects of modern life that "One Ordinary Day" by Shirley Jackson pokes fun at, one should closely analyze the elements within the story. Here's how you can go about finding these aspects:

1. Read the story: Start by reading the short story "One Ordinary Day" by Shirley Jackson. Pay attention to the characterization, dialogue, and events that take place.

2. Identify humorous situations: Look for instances within the story where there are ironic or satirical elements that mock certain aspects of modern life. These situations might involve characters, events, or societal norms.

3. Analyze character interactions: Pay close attention to how the characters behave and interact with one another. Look for instances where their actions or dialogue highlight the absurdity or contradictions of certain aspects of modern life.

4. Consider the author's intent: Reflect on Shirley Jackson's writing style and consider her intent as the author. Look for clues in the story that indicate her intention to satire or poke fun at specific aspects of modern life.

Some possible aspects of modern life that "One Ordinary Day" may poke fun at could be:

- Our tendency to classify people as either good or bad without considering the complexities of their character.
- Absurd societal norms or rules that people blindly follow.
- The mundane and repetitive nature of everyday life.

Remember, the interpretation of a story can vary, so it's essential to support your analysis with evidence from the text.