What did Francis Cabot Lowell and Samuel Slater have in common?

Their inventions allowed the U.S. economy to decrease dependence on slaves.

Their inventions made Transatlantic communication more efficient.

They imported technological advances from Great Britain. **

They grew wealthy selling their technologies to European buyers.

I agree although I usually think of them more positively as people who started the industrial revolution in the United States.

What do Samuel Slater, Eli Whitney, and Francis Cabot Lowell have in common?

Francis Cabot Lowell and Samuel Slater had importing technological advances from Great Britain in common. Both of them played significant roles in the early development of the textile industry in the United States. They achieved this by bringing over the advanced machinery and techniques used in British textile manufacturing.

To find the answer to this question, you can consider the historical context and the contributions made by Lowell and Slater. Francis Cabot Lowell's most notable contribution was the development of the power loom, which mechanized the weaving process. Samuel Slater, on the other hand, is considered the "Father of the American Industrial Revolution" as he brought the knowledge of a spinning machine from England to the United States.

By understanding their significant contributions to the textile industry in the U.S., it becomes clear that they both imported technological advances from Great Britain. This answer can be supported through historical research and by studying the accomplishments and impact of Lowell and Slater.
