In order to prevent a mass erosion event, like we experienced in 1930's Dust Bowl event, which of the following should farmers do?

A.) remove worms, ants, and other organisms that live in the soil

B.) Keep the land irrigated

C.) remove native grasses

D. plant the same crop from year to year to acclimate the soil.

I think it is B.

Thank You.


Well who lied?

To prevent a mass erosion event like the Dust Bowl event in the 1930s, farmers should take several measures. Let's analyze each option:

A) Removing worms, ants, and other organisms that live in the soil is not a recommended solution. These organisms help maintain soil structure, prevent erosion, and enhance nutrient cycling. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

B) Keeping the land irrigated is indeed important in preventing erosion. Proper irrigation helps maintain soil moisture, which prevents soil particles from becoming loose and vulnerable to erosion. Water also supports plant growth, which further stabilizes the soil. So, this option is a good choice.

C) Removing native grasses is not a recommended action either. Native grasses typically have deep roots that effectively anchor the soil, making them vital in preventing erosion. Removing them would increase the risk of erosion, so this option is incorrect.

D) Planting the same crop from year to year, known as monocropping, is not advisable. Monocropping can deplete the soil of specific nutrients, leading to soil erosion and reduced soil fertility. Therefore, this option is not the correct solution.

In conclusion, the correct answer is indeed B) Keep the land irrigated. Through proper irrigation, farmers can maintain soil moisture levels, support plant growth, and prevent erosion.

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