Josh spends 1/3 of his weekly income on rent

and 2/5 on food. What fraction remains?

hint: find the common denominator


To find out what fraction remains of Josh's weekly income after spending on rent and food, you need to subtract the fractions spent on rent and food from the whole amount, which is 1.

First, you need to find a common denominator for the fractions. In this case, the lowest common denominator for 3 and 5 is 15. So, you can rewrite the fractions with the common denominator:

Rent: 1/3 = 5/15
Food: 2/5 = 6/15

Now you can subtract the fractions:

Total spent = Rent + Food = 5/15 + 6/15 = 11/15

To find the remaining fraction, subtract the total spent from the whole:

Remaining fraction = 1 - total spent = 1 - 11/15

To subtract fractions, they should have the same denominator. In this case, you can multiply 1 by 15/15 to have a common denominator:

Remaining fraction = 1 - 11/15 = 15/15 - 11/15 = (15 - 11)/15 = 4/15

Therefore, the fraction that remains is 4/15 of Josh's weekly income.