
3 root 3/8

3√(3/8) = 3(√(1/4 * 3/2) = 3 * 1/2 √(3/2) = 3/2 √(3/2)

Not sure that's any simpler, but the radicand doesn't have any factors which are perfect squares.

It'd also be √(27/8)

Now, if you meant
∛(3/8), that would be ∛(3 * 1/8) = 1/2 ∛3

To simplify the expression "3√3/8," you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Recognize that "√3" means the square root of 3.
Step 2: Rewrite the expression as a fraction. 3√3 can be written as (3 * √3).
Step 3: Simplify the expression by multiplying the numerator (3) and the denominator (8). Keep in mind that multiplying two square roots requires multiplying their coefficients (numbers outside the square root) and their radicands (numbers inside the square root).
(3 * √3) / 8 = 3√3 / 8
Step 4: The simplified expression "3√3/8" cannot be simplified any further because the numerator and denominator do not share any common factors.

Therefore, the simplified form of "3√3/8" is the same as the original expression, "3√3/8".