The question says "Review what you learned about Stonehenge and the cave paintings that were found in Spain by the two boys. Which is a greater achievement of these time periods?"

Who are the two boys? I can't seem to find anything about them in my textbook.

I believe you mean the cave paintings found in Lascaux, France in 1940. I don't think history has recorded much about these boys. This article has the most information that I've seen about them.

The question is asking you whether the cave paintings or Stonehenge represents the greater accomplishment of prehistoric people.

Thank you so much!

You're welcome.

I apologize for the confusion, but as an AI, I don't have real-time access to specific textbooks or current events. However, I can provide you with some general information about Stonehenge and cave paintings.

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England. It consists of a circle of enormous standing stones, some weighing up to 25 tons. Stonehenge is believed to have been constructed between 3000 BC and 2000 BC, making it roughly 5,000 years old.

On the other hand, cave paintings refer to artistic works created on the interior walls of caves or rock shelters. These paintings can be found in various parts of the world and often date back to prehistoric times. The cave paintings found in Spain are among the most famous examples.

Regarding the two boys you mentioned, it seems to be a specific reference that may not be related to the general topic of Stonehenge and cave paintings. If the information cannot be found in your textbook or other available resources, it could be an unrelated detail or an error in the question itself. It's best to clarify with your teacher or the source of the question to get accurate information.

Now, coming back to the main question, determining which is a greater achievement between Stonehenge and the cave paintings is subjective and can vary depending on the criteria used for evaluation. Stonehenge is considered an architectural marvel due to its massive stone structure and its alignment with astronomical events. The cave paintings, on the other hand, provide valuable insights into the artistic expressions of prehistoric societies.

To form an argument on which is a greater achievement, you could consider factors such as technological advancements, cultural significance, artistic achievements, and historical influence. You can analyze how each of these qualities contributed to the overall significance of Stonehenge and the cave paintings and make a subjective judgment based on your findings.