Does anyone have any ideas on masquerade? Pupils are 15 years old and there are 26 of them.They have to dress up and present themselves to the jury. What can they do? Maybe dress up as famous people and perform an act?

Yes, dressing up as famous people and performing an act is a great idea for a masquerade. Here are some steps you can follow to make the event a success:

1. Brainstorming: Start by conducting a brainstorming session with the pupils. Ask them to come up with a list of famous people they admire. Encourage them to choose a wide range of personalities from different fields such as sports, entertainment, science, literature, etc. This will ensure a diverse and interesting masquerade.

2. Research: Once they have decided on their famous person, the pupils should research and gather information about their chosen personality. This includes understanding their accomplishments, mannerisms, style of speaking, and any iconic quotes or actions associated with them.

3. Costume and Props: After the research, help the pupils brainstorm ideas on how to create costumes and props to resemble their chosen famous people. They can utilize clothes and accessories they already have, visit thrift stores for costume pieces, or even create DIY costumes using household materials.

4. Act Preparation: Encourage the pupils to prepare a short act or presentation that showcases the personality traits and achievements of their chosen famous person. They can include monologues, dialogues, or even reenact famous scenes or speeches associated with them. It's essential to emphasize creativity and originality in their performances.

5. Rehearsals: Allocate time for rehearsals where the pupils practice their acts individually or in groups. Provide constructive feedback and guidance to help improve their performances. Encourage peer-to-peer feedback to facilitate further improvements.

6. Jury Presentation: On the day of the masquerade, allocate time for each pupil or group to present their act to the jury. The jury can consist of teachers, parents, or other selected individuals who will evaluate the performances and provide feedback or scores. Ensure that the pupils have the necessary stage setup and props to enhance their presentations.

7. Appreciation and Evaluation: End the masquerade with a feedback or evaluation session where each pupil receives constructive criticism and appreciation for their efforts. Recognize their creativity, confidence, and knowledge displayed during the event.

By following these steps, the pupils will have an enjoyable and educational experience while showcasing their talents and creativity at the masquerade.