Jason left home at 6:12 pm on march 25. He arrived back home 36 hours and 12 minutes later. What time did he arrive home?

36 hrs, 12 minutes <---> 1 day + 12 hrs , 12 min

6:12 pm + 12:12 = 6:24 am

(wouldn't it be nice it time was metric ??)

To determine the time Jason arrived back home, we need to add 36 hours and 12 minutes to the time he left home. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Convert the 36 hours into minutes: 36 hours × 60 minutes = 2160 minutes.

2. Add the converted hours to the 12 minutes: 2160 minutes + 12 minutes = 2172 minutes.

3. Add the total minutes to the departure time:

- Minutes: 12 + 2172 = 2184 minutes.

4. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can see how many hours and the remaining minutes:

- Divide the total minutes by 60: 2184 minutes ÷ 60 = 36 hours and 24 minutes.

5. Determine the arrival time by adding the hours and minutes to the departure time:

- Hours: 6 + 36 = 42 hours (which is beyond 24 hours, indicating the next day).
- Minutes: 24 minutes.

6. Adjust the time to a 24-hour format (if necessary):

- Subtract 24 hours from the total hours to convert it to the next day: 42 hours - 24 hours = 18 hours.

Therefore, Jason arrived home at 6:12 pm + 18 hours and 24 minutes.