Convert theta = pi/4 to rectangular equation

you need both a radius and an angle to convert from polar to x,y coordinates

x = r cos theta
y = r sin theta

if you mean radius of 1 (unit vector
x = 1 cos pi/4
y = 1 sin pi/4

since cos pi/4 = sin pi/4 = sqrt 2 /2
x = 1 sqrt 2 /2
y = sqrt 2 /2

Thank you

To convert theta = pi/4 to a rectangular equation, we can use the following relationships:

x = r * cos(theta)
y = r * sin(theta)

In this case, we are given theta = pi/4. Let's assume r = 1 for simplicity.

Substituting these values into the equations:

x = 1 * cos(pi/4)
y = 1 * sin(pi/4)

Simplifying further:

x = sqrt(2)/2
y = sqrt(2)/2

Therefore, the rectangular equation is:
(x, y) = (sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2)

To convert the polar equation θ = π/4 to a rectangular equation, we can use the formulas:

x = r * cos(θ)
y = r * sin(θ)

In this case, since we only have θ and no value for r, we can assume that r is a positive constant. Let's assume r = 1 for simplicity.

Using the formulas, we have:

x = 1 * cos(π/4)
y = 1 * sin(π/4)

Evaluating the trigonometric functions, we get:

x = (√2)/2
y = (√2)/2

Therefore, the rectangular coordinates for the polar equation θ = π/4 are x = (√2)/2 and y = (√2)/2.