Need help with participle in the sentence

We saw the thunderstorm advancing across the plains. Biting insects hovered over our campsite at night.

Would the participles be advancing, and biting?

Correct, Sue.

Yes, in the given sentence, the participles are "advancing" and "biting." Participles are verb forms that function as adjectives. They are formed by adding -ing to the base form of the verb (present participle) or -ed/-en to the base form of the verb (past participle).

To identify participles in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verbs in the sentence: In this case, the verbs are "saw" and "hovered."
2. Determine if any of the verbs are working as participles: In this sentence, "advancing" and "biting" describe the nouns "thunderstorm" and "insects" respectively, and are therefore functioning as participles.

By recognizing that the words "advancing" and "biting" are describing the nouns, you can identify them as participles in the given sentence.