A report says that the between-subjects factor of participants’ salary produced

significant differences in self-esteem. (a) What does this tell you about the design?
(b) What does it tell you about the results?

Source Sum Squares df Mean Square F
Between 134.800 3 44.933 17.117
Within 42.000 16 2.625
Total 176.800 19

Looks like an ANOVA design. If there were significant differences, then the test was statistically significant.

(a) Based on the information provided, the reported result indicates a between-subjects design. This means that participants were divided into different groups based on their salary, and the researchers compared the self-esteem scores between these groups.

(b) The significant difference in self-esteem across different salary groups suggests that participants' salary has an impact on their self-esteem. The F-value of 17.117 indicates that the difference in self-esteem between these groups is unlikely to be due to chance.

To arrive at this conclusion, the following steps were likely taken:
1. Gathered data from participants, including their self-esteem scores and salary information.
2. Divided the participants into different groups based on their salary levels.
3. Calculated the sum of squares, degrees of freedom, mean squares, and F-value for the between-subjects factor (salary).
4. Compared the calculated F-value to the critical F-value to determine whether the difference in self-esteem between salary groups is statistically significant.
5. Based on the significant result, concluded that salary levels have a significant effect on participants' self-esteem.