According to the given information, segment AB is parallel to segment DC and segment BC is parallel to segment AD.. Construct diagonal A C with a straightedge. It is congruent to itself by the Reflexive Property of Equality. ________________. Angles BCA and DAC are congruent by the same reasoning. Triangles BCA and DAC are congruent according to the Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) Theorem. By CPCTC, opposite sides AB and CD, as well as sides BC and DA, are congruent.

Which sentence accurately completes the proof?

Angles BAC and DCA are congruent by the Alternate Interior Angles Theorem. I think not 100% sure


The sentence that accurately completes the proof is:

Therefore, by the given information and the application of the Reflexive Property of Equality, Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) Theorem, and CPCTC, we have successfully shown that opposite sides AB and CD, as well as sides BC and DA, are congruent.

david, its time to get better at math you noob