Is the following always,sometimes,never,true,6+8x-9=11x+14-3 x


To determine whether the given equation, 6 + 8x - 9 = 11x + 14 - 3x, is always true, sometimes true, or never true, we need to solve the equation and see if it leads to a logical statement.

Let's start by simplifying the equation step by step:

6 + 8x - 9 = 11x + 14 - 3x

First, combine like terms on both sides:

-3 + 8x = 8x + 11

Next, move all the terms containing x to one side of the equation by subtracting 8x from both sides:

-3 = 3x + 11

Now, isolate the x-term by subtracting 11 from both sides:

-14 = 3x

Finally, divide both sides by 3 to solve for x:

-14/3 = x

So, we have found a value for x, which is -14/3. Since we obtained a specific solution for x, this equation is valid for that particular value. Therefore, the equation 6 + 8x - 9 = 11x + 14 - 3x is sometimes true, but not always true or never true.

solve it to see which choice is correct