Solve the compound inequality graph solution-2<2x-4<4 answers are 0<x<-2, 3<x<6, 1<x<4, 1<x<0

1 < x < 4

To solve the compound inequality -2 < 2x - 4 < 4, we need to first isolate the variable x in the middle expression.

Step 1: Adding 4 to all sides of the compound inequality, we get:
-2 + 4 < 2x - 4 + 4 < 4 + 4
2 < 2x < 8

Step 2: Dividing all sides of the compound inequality by 2, we get:
2/2 < 2x/2 < 8/2
1 < x < 4

Therefore, the solution to the compound inequality is 1 < x < 4.

It appears that the answers you provided - 0 < x < -2, 3 < x < 6, and 1 < x < 0 - are not correct. Inequality solutions represent ranges on the number line, and those values would not fit within the given compound inequality.