Write a program that asks for the name of the employee, an hourly pay rate and hours worked. Compute gross pay (hours X rate), withholding tax, and net pay (gross pay minus withholding tax). Withholding tax is computed as a percentage of gross pay based on the following:

Gross Pay Witholding Percentage

Up to and including 300.00 10%
300.01 and up 12%

Here's a step-by-step guide to create a program that calculates the gross pay, withholding tax, and net pay for an employee:

Step 1: Define the variables needed for the program:
- employeeName (string) - to store the name of the employee
- hourlyRate (float) - to store the pay rate per hour
- hoursWorked (float) - to store the number of hours worked
- grossPay (float) - to store the calculated gross pay
- withholdingTaxRate (float) - to store the percentage of withholding tax
- withholdingTax (float) - to store the calculated withholding tax amount
- netPay (float) - to store the calculated net pay amount

Step 2: Prompt the user to input the name of the employee, hourly pay rate, and hours worked:
- Display a message to ask the user to enter the name of the employee.
- Read and store the input in the employeeName variable.
- Display a message to ask the user to enter the hourly pay rate.
- Read and store the input in the hourlyRate variable.
- Display a message to ask the user to enter the number of hours worked.
- Read and store the input in the hoursWorked variable.

Step 3: Calculate the gross pay:
- Multiply the hoursWorked variable by the hourlyRate variable.
- Store the result in the grossPay variable.

Step 4: Calculate the withholding tax:
- Check if the grossPay is less than or equal to 300.00.
- If true, set the withholdingTaxRate to 10% (0.1).
- If false, set the withholdingTaxRate to 12% (0.12).
- Multiply the grossPay variable by the withholdingTaxRate variable.
- Store the result in the withholdingTax variable.

Step 5: Calculate the net pay:
- Subtract the withholdingTax variable from the grossPay variable.
- Store the result in the netPay variable.

Step 6: Display the results:
- Display the calculated gross pay, withholding tax, and net pay to the user.

Here's an example implementation of the program in Python:

# Step 1
employeeName = input("Enter the name of the employee: ")
hourlyRate = float(input("Enter the hourly pay rate: "))
hoursWorked = float(input("Enter the number of hours worked: "))

# Step 3
grossPay = hourlyRate * hoursWorked

# Step 4
if grossPay <= 300.00:
withholdingTaxRate = 0.1
withholdingTaxRate = 0.12

withholdingTax = grossPay * withholdingTaxRate

# Step 5
netPay = grossPay - withholdingTax

# Step 6
print("Gross Pay: $", grossPay)
print("Withholding Tax: $", withholdingTax)
print("Net Pay: $", netPay)

You can run the above program, enter the required inputs, and it will calculate and display the gross pay, withholding tax, and net pay for the given employee.

Sure! Here's a Python program that calculates gross pay, withholding tax, and net pay for an employee:

# Function to calculate withholding tax percentage
def calculate_withholding_rate(gross_pay):
if gross_pay <= 300.00:
return 0.10
elif gross_pay > 300.00:
return 0.12

# Function to calculate gross pay
def calculate_gross_pay(hours_worked, pay_rate):
return hours_worked * pay_rate

# Function to calculate withholding tax
def calculate_withholding_tax(gross_pay):
withholding_rate = calculate_withholding_rate(gross_pay)
return gross_pay * withholding_rate

# Function to calculate net pay
def calculate_net_pay(gross_pay, withholding_tax):
return gross_pay - withholding_tax

# Prompt for employee details
employee_name = input("Enter the name of the employee: ")
hours_worked = float(input("Enter the number of hours worked: "))
pay_rate = float(input("Enter the hourly pay rate: "))

# Calculate gross pay
gross_pay = calculate_gross_pay(hours_worked, pay_rate)

# Calculate withholding tax
withholding_tax = calculate_withholding_tax(gross_pay)

# Calculate net pay
net_pay = calculate_net_pay(gross_pay, withholding_tax)

# Display results
print("Employee: ", employee_name)
print("Gross Pay: $", gross_pay)
print("Withholding Tax: $", withholding_tax)
print("Net Pay: $", net_pay)

To use this program, you can simply run it and follow the prompts to enter the employee details (name, hourly pay rate, and hours worked). The program will then calculate the gross pay, withholding tax, and net pay based on the given formula. Finally, it will display the calculated values.