I know I posted this already but there is a typo.

There are 49 mice in a pet shop.
30 mice are white.
27 mice are male.
18 mice have short tails.
8 mice are white and have short tails.
11 mice are male and have short tails.
7 mice are male but neither white nor short-tailed.
5 mice have all three characteristics and
2 have none.

W represents white mice
M represents male mice
S represents short-failed mice

I made a venn diagram but need help on...
n(M' U S)
The answer says 22+18-7=33
I know that M' means 49-27=22 and the union sign means add the 18 short tails but where does 7 come from? I know you have to subtract the overlap but according to my Venn diagram, the overlap between M and D is 5+6=11.

To understand why the answer is 33 instead of 11, let's break down the calculation step by step:

1. M' represents the complement of M, which means all the mice that are not male. Since there are 49 mice in total and 27 of them are male, M' can be calculated as: M' = 49 - 27 = 22.

2. S represents mice with short tails. We are asked to find the union (represented by the symbol U) of M' and S, which means all the mice that are either not male or have short tails. To calculate this, we add the number of mice in M' (22) and the number of mice with short tails (18): M' U S = 22 + 18 = 40.

3. However, we need to subtract the overlap between M and S from the total. In this case, 7 mice are male but neither white nor short-tailed. If we subtract this overlap, the final calculation would be: M' U S - (overlap) = 40 - 7 = 33.

So, the correct answer is 33, not 11. There seems to be some confusion between the overlap between male and short-tailed mice (7) and the overlap between male, white, and short-tailed mice (which is given as 5). Remember to consider the specific conditions mentioned in the problem statement when calculating the overlaps in the Venn diagram.