The unit rate of 7/12 liters in 3/10 kilometers

Im a kid na na na na boo boo

To find the unit rate of 7/12 liters in 3/10 kilometers, we need to divide the amount of liters by the number of kilometers.

The unit rate is found by dividing the numerator (liters) by the denominator (kilometers).

So, the unit rate is:

(7/12 liters) / (3/10 kilometers)

To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

(7/12) * (10/3)

Multiplying the numerators gives us:

(7 * 10) / (12 * 3) = 70/36

Simplifying the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2, we get:

70/36 = 35/18

Therefore, the unit rate of 7/12 liters in 3/10 kilometers is 35/18 liters per kilometer.

To find the unit rate of 7/12 liters in 3/10 kilometers, you need to divide the amount of liters by the distance in kilometers. The unit rate represents the quantity of liters per kilometer.

To calculate the unit rate, divide 7/12 liters by 3/10 kilometers:
(7/12) รท (3/10)

To divide fractions, you take the reciprocal of the second fraction and multiply:
(7/12) * (10/3)

Multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together:
(7 * 10) / (12 * 3)

Simplify the fraction if possible:
70 / 36

The unit rate of 7/12 liters in 3/10 kilometers is approximately 1.944 liters per kilometer.

just divide what you have:

(3/10)km / (7/12)L = (3/10 * 12/7) km/L = 36/7 km/L