Mandy scores b points in a basketball game. Jay scores 3 points less than Mandy. Kareem scores 2 times as many points as Mandy. Find the number of points that Jay scores in terms of b.

Mandy ---- b

jay ------- b-3
kareem --- 2b

look at my definitions,

Jay b-3

so this problem i think is\


To find the number of points Jay scores in terms of b, we need to first find the number of points Mandy scores (b), and then subtract 3.

Given that Kareem scores 2 times as many points as Mandy, we can express Kareem's score in terms of Mandy's score as 2b.

Therefore, Mandy scores b points, Jay scores 3 points less than Mandy, so Jay's score can be expressed as b - 3.

So, the number of points Jay scores in terms of b is b - 3.