What role does freedom play in the poems you read in this unit? Write about at least three of the poems, describing how the poet uses imagery to depict freedom, the lack of it, or the desire for it.

Analyzing the role of freedom in specific poems requires knowing the specific unit or collection of poems being referred to. However, I can provide a general approach to discussing the role of freedom in poetry and how poets use imagery to convey concepts of freedom, its absence, or the longing for it.

1. Begin by selecting three poems from the unit or collection that are thematically linked to freedom or lack thereof. For this example, let's use three well-known poems: "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou, and "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou.

2. Start with "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. In this poem, the poet describes a choice between two paths, symbolizing the choices one makes in life. The imagery of the "yellow wood" and "undergrowth" brings to mind the freedom of exploration and individuality that comes from making alternative choices. Frost captures the desire for freedom by mentioning the less traveled road, which represents the path less taken and the possibility of diverging from societal norms.

3. Moving to "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou, this powerful poem explores themes of resilience and freedom from oppression. Angelou uses vivid imagery to depict the hardships faced by Black people, such as "broken down and trodden on," and rising above those challenges. The poem portrays freedom as the ability to triumph over adversity, reclaim one's dignity, and defy oppressive forces.

4. Finally, we come to "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou, which uses the metaphor of a caged bird to address themes of freedom and captivity. The imagery in this poem contrasts the free bird's ability to "leap on the back of the wind" and "dip his wing in the orange sun's rays" with the caged bird's confinement and inability to fly. Through powerful imagery, Angelou portrays the longing for freedom and the injustices of captivity.

In these three examples, imagery is skillfully employed by the poets to evoke emotions and concepts related to freedom. Each poem captures a different aspect of freedom, whether it's the possibilities inherent in choices, the strength to rise above oppression, or the longing to break free from confinement.

To analyze the role of freedom in the poems and identify how poets use imagery to depict it, we will follow these steps:

1. Identify the poems studied in this unit that explore the theme of freedom.
2. Read each poem carefully, paying attention to the poet's use of imagery.
3. Note instances where the poet portrays freedom, the lack of freedom, or the longing for it.
4. Analyze the imagery employed by the poets to convey these ideas.
5. Discuss three selected poems, describing how each poet utilizes imagery to depict freedom or its absence.

Based on the instructions provided, let's move on to the first step and identify the poems studied in this unit that explore the theme of freedom. Could you please provide the names or titles of the poems?

Freedom is personified as being care-free, similar to that of a child

Please reread what you posted ... and figure out why no one here can help you.

YOU read the poems.
YOU need to choose 3 ...

Once you have written up your response to the assignment, feel free to post it here if you'd like someone to give you feedback.