Placental mammals develop _______

A) In an egg laid in water
B) A pouch of their mother's body
C) Inside the mother's body
D) Inside an amniotic egg

Angiosperms reproduce with _______

A) Spores
B) Seeds
C) Cones
D) Amniotic egg

My answers:

I need help ASAP!

so is it b or d?

To answer the questions correctly, you need to have some basic knowledge of mammalian and plant reproduction.

1) Placental mammals develop inside the mother's body. This is option C.

To understand this, it is important to know that placental mammals are a group of animals that give live birth to their young. Instead of laying eggs like some animals, these mammals carry their developing offspring internally in a structure called the uterus. The placenta, which is an organ formed in the uterus, nourishes and provides oxygen to the developing fetus.

2) Angiosperms reproduce with seeds. This is option B.

To understand this, you should know that angiosperms are flowering plants. They are the most diverse group of plants on Earth. Angiosperms reproduce through the formation of seeds. Seeds contain the embryo of the plant along with a food source and a protective coat. These seeds are dispersed and germinate under favorable conditions, growing into mature plants.

So, the correct answers are:

1) C) Inside the mother's body
2) B) Seeds


the answeris d

First one No

second one looks ok