I have to do an explanatory speech. i have to choose a discovery or innovation that people know the general idea about but don't know anything beyond that.

does anyone have any ideas? Just as an example of the type of speech im looking for you could do : Counterfeit money(and how to tell if it is counterfeit)

Whenever the story of how Edison invented the light bulb is told in history books, it's always very short and sweet. The back story is nearly never told!!

Read, read, read ...

Same with Hershey ... and his incredible success with chocolate!


Certainly! Here are a few examples of discoveries or innovations you could consider for your explanatory speech:

1. Virtual reality (VR): Many people have heard of VR and may have a general understanding of what it is, but they may not be aware of its applications beyond gaming. In your speech, you could explain the technology behind VR, different types of VR systems, as well as its potential uses in fields such as education, healthcare, and architecture.

2. Gene editing: The concept of gene editing, particularly with the help of a tool called CRISPR, has made headlines in recent years. However, many people might not fully grasp the implications and possibilities of this technology. Your speech could delve into the basics of gene editing, its potential in treating genetic diseases, modifying crops, and the ethical considerations surrounding it.

3. Blockchain technology: Blockchain is often associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but its applications go beyond that. You could discuss the fundamental principles behind blockchain, how it ensures security and transparency in transactions, and explore its potential impact on various industries like finance, supply chain management, and healthcare.

4. Artificial intelligence (AI): AI is a broad and evolving field, and while people generally understand that it involves machines or computers performing intelligent tasks, there is often more to learn. You could shed light on different types of AI, machine learning algorithms, and real-world applications such as autonomous vehicles, natural language processing, and healthcare diagnostics.

Remember, when choosing a discovery or innovation, consider the level of complexity involved and how you can explain it in an engaging and easily understandable manner to your audience.