drop a ball at 30000 feet at 30 feet per second and a ball bounces up at 40 feet per second what height do they meet and what speed

To find the height at which the two balls meet and their speeds at that point, we first need to calculate the time it takes for the balls to meet.

Let's use the equation h = ut + (1/2)gt^2 to calculate the time it takes for the balls to meet. We will assume that the initial height for both balls is 30,000 feet, the initial velocity for the ball that dropped is 30 ft/s (downwards), and the initial velocity for the bouncing ball is -40 ft/s (upwards).

For the ball that dropped, we have:
Initial velocity (u) = 30 ft/s (downwards)
Initial height (h) = 30,000 ft
Acceleration due to gravity (g) = -32.2 ft/s^2 (negative sign because the acceleration is downwards)

Plugging these values into the equation, we get:
30,000 = 30t + (1/2)(-32.2)t^2

Simplifying the equation, we have:
0.5(-32.2)t^2 + 30t - 30,000 = 0

Now we can solve this quadratic equation to find 't', which represents the time it takes for the balls to meet. We can use the quadratic formula: t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac))/(2a).

a = 0.5(-32.2) = -16.1
b = 30
c = -30,000

Plugging these values into the quadratic formula, we have:
t = (-30 ± √(30^2 - 4(-16.1)(-30,000)))/(2(-16.1))

Calculating this equation, we find two possible values for 't': t ≈ 30.5 seconds or t ≈ -185.7 seconds. Since time cannot be negative in this scenario, we discard the negative value.

Therefore, it takes approximately 30.5 seconds for the two balls to meet. To find the height and speed at this point, we can substitute this value back into our equation for the dropping ball.

Plugging t = 30.5 into the equation, we get:
h = 30(30.5) + (1/2)(-32.2)(30.5)^2

Calculating this equation, we find that the two balls meet at a height of approximately 5,827.375 feet above the ground.

Now let's calculate the speed at that point. For the dropping ball, we know that its initial velocity is 30 ft/s. Since acceleration due to gravity is constant, the velocity will decrease by 32.2 ft/s every second.

Using this information, we can calculate the speed of the dropping ball at the meeting point. It will be equal to the initial velocity (30 ft/s) minus the product of the acceleration due to gravity (-32.2 ft/s^2) and the time it takes to meet (30.5 seconds).

v = 30 - 32.2(30.5)

Simplifying this equation, we find that the dropping ball's speed at the meeting point is approximately -30.1 ft/s (since it is moving downwards).

As for the bouncing ball, we know it starts at the meeting point with an initial velocity of 40 ft/s upwards. Therefore, its speed at the meeting point is simply its initial velocity, which is 40 ft/s upwards.

To summarize, the two balls meet at a height of approximately 5,827.375 feet above the ground, with the dropping ball moving at a speed of approximately -30.1 ft/s downwards and the bouncing ball moving at a speed of 40 ft/s upwards.