
Calculate the value of the equilibrium

To calculate the value of the equilibrium, we need to set the C (consumption) and I (investment) equal to each other, because at equilibrium, the value of consumption equals the value of investment.

C = 15 + 0.60 + 0.04W
I = 200
W = 1,200

Let's substitute the values in the equation for C:
C = 15 + 0.60 + 0.04(1,200)
C = 15 + 0.60 + 48
C = 63.60

Now we can set C equal to I to find the value of the equilibrium:
C = I
63.60 = 200

Since the value of C is less than I, there is no equilibrium in this case. The consumption is lower than the investment, indicating a surplus in the economy.