A frog jumps at the angle of 60 degrees to horizontal with initial velocity of 10.0m/s

1. calculate velocity Voy of the frog
2 calculate acceleration ax of the frog

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Vi up = 10 sin 60 = 8.66 m/s

if ax is horizontal acceleration, there is none. Horizontal component of velocity is constant

To calculate the vertical component of velocity (Voy) of the frog, you can use the following formula:

Voy = V * sin(angle)

Initial velocity (V) = 10.0 m/s
Angle = 60 degrees

Firstly, convert the angle from degrees to radians:

Angle (in radians) = 60 degrees * (π/180)

Now, calculate the vertical component of velocity:

Voy = 10.0 m/s * sin(60 degrees * (π/180))

Voy ≈ 10.0 m/s * 0.866

Voy ≈ 8.66 m/s

1. Therefore, the vertical component of velocity (Voy) of the frog is approximately 8.66 m/s.

To calculate the horizontal acceleration (ax) of the frog, we need to consider that the only force acting on the frog horizontally is air resistance, which is usually negligible for small objects like frogs. Therefore, the horizontal acceleration can be considered as zero (ax = 0).

2. Hence, the horizontal acceleration (ax) of the frog is approximately zero (0 m/s²).