Which of the following items is not usually a factor in linguistic change?

A. geographic isolation
B. decision of government body
C. influence of other languages
D. education system

How is your text defining "linguistic change"?

Simple, its C. because languages are influenced by each other in a way. Say your Spanish and im american if we had a translator then he'd understand what i said and he'd be able to tell you.

The item that is not usually a factor in linguistic change is the B. decision of government body.

To determine which of the following items is not usually a factor in linguistic change, we can analyze each option and identify if it typically contributes to linguistic change or not.

A. Geographic isolation: This factor can indeed play a significant role in linguistic change. When a group of speakers become isolated from others due to geographical barriers, it can lead to the development of unique dialects or languages over time.

B. Decision of government body: Government decisions can have an impact on linguistic change, particularly in the case of language policies and standardization efforts. For example, the choice of an official language or the implementation of language planning initiatives can influence linguistic change to some extent.

C. Influence of other languages: The influence of other languages is a common factor in linguistic change. Through contact and interaction with speakers of different languages, elements like loanwords, borrowings, and language contact phenomena can result in lexical, morphological, and phonological changes.

D. Education system: While the education system can have some influence on language use and variation, it is not typically considered a primary factor in linguistic change. The education system's primary focus is on language acquisition, literacy, and formal instruction rather than driving large-scale changes in the language itself.

Therefore, the answer is option D. Education system is not usually a factor in linguistic change.