Can someone explain the rules for raising a power to a power?

Please explain and give some examples. I would appreciate it if you can answer this as soon as possible.

I really need to understand it for a question, and I want to see some examples of it too.

Depends what you mean by raising a power to a power


= (3^2)(3^2)(3^2) = (9)(9)(9) = 729
= 3^6 = 729

if the two exponents are at the same "horizontal level"
then you multiply the two or more exponents
(a^x)^y = a^(xy)

do not confuse that with (a^x)(a^y) = a^(x+y)

if the exponent itself is raised, you work from the top down

= 3^16
= 43046721

Hope that helps you

Thank you Reiny, I now understand the rule or rules. You helped me a lot, and saved me some researching time. Sorry that I couldn't say thank you sooner, but I had to do something else. Thank you again, you really did help me.

Just curious how posting a question, waiting for an answer, reading it and posting a reply saved time over just opening your text to the appropriate section and reading that explanation.

Just sayin' . . .

Sure, I can explain the rules for raising a power to a power. When you raise a power to a power, you are essentially multiplying the exponents together.

To better understand this concept, let's use an example:
Let's say we have the expression (a^m)^n, where "a" is the base, "m" is the first exponent, and "n" is the second exponent.

To simplify this expression, you multiply the exponents as follows:
(a^m)^n = a^(m * n)

Here are a few examples to illustrate the concept:

Example 1:
Simplify (x^2)^3
In this case, "x" is the base, and we have two exponents: 2 and 3.

To simplify, we multiply the exponents:
(x^2)^3 = x^(2 * 3) = x^6

So, (x^2)^3 simplifies to x^6.

Example 2:
Simplify (3^4)^2
In this case, "3" is the base, and we have two exponents: 4 and 2.

Following the rule, we multiply the exponents:
(3^4)^2 = 3^(4 * 2) = 3^8

So, (3^4)^2 simplifies to 3^8.

Example 3:
Simplify (a^3)^2
In this case, "a" is the base, and we have two exponents: 3 and 2.

Using the rule, we multiply the exponents:
(a^3)^2 = a^(3 * 2) = a^6

So, (a^3)^2 simplifies to a^6.

Remember, when raising a power to a power, you multiply the exponents. This rule holds true for all real numbers and variables.