Planning a wedding in 6 years.

Estimated cost $55,000

How much do you have to deposit today in one lump sum to fully pay for it if you earn 7.5% per year on investment?

let the present value of the deposit be P

P(1.075)^6 = 55000
p = 55000/1.075^+ = $35637.88

(elope, skip the expensive wedding, and use it as a downpayment for a house)

To calculate the lump sum you need to deposit today to fully pay for your wedding in 6 years, we can use the future value formula for compound interest.

The formula to calculate the future value (FV) of an investment is:

FV = PV * (1 + r)^n

- PV is the present value (the amount you need to deposit today)
- r is the interest rate (7.5% or 0.075 as a decimal)
- n is the number of periods (6 years)

In this case, the future value (FV) is the estimated cost of your wedding, which is $55,000.

Let's substitute the values into the formula and solve for PV:

$55,000 = PV * (1 + 0.075)^6

Now, let's isolate PV:

PV = $55,000 / (1 + 0.075)^6

Calculating this equation will give you the lump sum you need to deposit today to fully pay for your wedding in 6 years.

PV = $55,000 / (1.075)^6

By plugging the numbers into a calculator, the result is:

PV = $36,957.47 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Therefore, you would need to deposit approximately $36,957.47 in one lump sum today to fully pay for your wedding in 6 years if you earn a 7.5% annual interest rate on your investment.