These questions regards "Rules of the Game" by Amy Tan.

1. What did Tan find most awarding about the transformation of her work to film?

To answer this question, we can refer to Amy Tan's own words and the interviews she has given about the adaptation of "Rules of the Game" into a film. One way to find this information is by searching for interviews, articles, or blog posts where Amy Tan discusses her experience with the film adaptation.

To start, you could search for keywords such as "Amy Tan" + "Rules of the Game" + "film adaptation" to narrow down the search results. Look for reputable sources, such as interviews with Tan in well-known publications or on official websites.

When you find a relevant source, scan the article or interview for information about Tan's thoughts on the film adaptation. Look for specific quotes or excerpts where she mentions what she found rewarding about the transformation of her work into a film. Sometimes, authors may discuss aspects like seeing their characters come to life, the visual representation of the story, or the impact of the film on a broader audience.

Remember, it is important to read through the information and understand the context in which Tan expressed her thoughts. This will help provide a comprehensive answer to the question about what she found most rewarding about the film adaptation of "Rules of the Game."

This is a chapter from a book I read far too long ago to remember details. You need to reread the story and/or study this: