Explain how you would convert a measurement given in ounces into pints

16 ounces = 1 pint

To convert a measurement given in ounces to pints, you need to know the conversion factor between the two units. In this case, there are 16 fluid ounces in 1 pint.

So, to convert from ounces to pints, you would divide the number of ounces by 16.

Here's a step-by-step example:

1. Identify the measurement given in ounces. Let's say it's 32 ounces.
2. Divide the number of ounces by the conversion factor (16).
32 ounces รท 16 = 2 pints.
3. The result is 2 pints. Therefore, 32 fluid ounces is equivalent to 2 pints.